Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Bionic Unicorn by Matrix Year 4

The Bionic Unicorn

There are a infinite number of bionic unicorns but they are not often found because of far and between circumstances.

While many unicorns are found in a variety of areas the bionic unicorn is only found in a secret hideout. It is thought they are very brave and not frightened by anything. During the daytime they go on secret missions or are relaxing in the nice hot sun. At night they sleep in their lava cages and if you are really close can change into sudden death mode.

The bionic unicorns have a unlimited diet. In the main they live on pork, mince and other forms of meat. However they can also be tempted with chocolate. Additionally some like to eat rotten potatoes. Be careful when you are near a bionic unicorn because their body can give off a mail function.

Unfortunately because bionic unicorns are to strong they have almost been popular if they weren’t been living in a secret hideout in a dessert.

By Matrix

16 June 2015
Year 4

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